Viral marketing – contest burner online contest software
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“we weren’t expecting anything like this to happen. Over 51,000 pages were indexed on google just from the contest. A bunch of press releases which was nuts and bunch more sales which is obviously the best part. And it was a lot of fun
“…your contest blew me away and it’s definitely turned mobile monopoly into a viral thing which we weren’t planning on having after the launch…”
“thank you so much for making contest burner and making it as cool as you did. Without contest burner, i can honestly say that i would not be where i am today and there’s no way i could be in costa rica right now.
“…and there’s no way that i would ever launch another site without contest burner by my side because it is the easiest source of free traffic for me. It just grows virally, it’s the easiest “
“i recently launched a book launch and used bill mcintosh’s contest burner software to really launch my book in a whole new way and i’m very excited about it. It went so fantastically
“i came across bill’s software and was just instantly excited about it so i got the product, installed it within minutes, configured it and had it up and running in a very very short period of time. I used it to launch this contest in conjunction with my product launch. It brought in thousands of people who never had heard of my book.”
“by using this software, i was able to generate over 200 extra leads just by using this piece of viral software. And it didn’t take me any more…read more detail
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