Press release script – launch your own press release submission web site!
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√ affiliates and your choice ads integration √ paypal and other payment methos integration √ easily handles thousands of press releases press release script is the most innovative solution you need to launch a customizable content driven web site in the shortest period of time. From user-friendly customization options to easy content creation process, your press releases site prides itself in content authoring for its users… Regardless of technical limitations.
create three types of content. Press release script allows you to display any or all of the following on your web site: press releases, pages, sections.
total workflow management. Allows contributors to add press releases. You have the control to allow or reject the press release, publish it on your web site.
author content on all popular browsers. Your press releases site s wysiwyg editor works with all web browsers like internet explorer, mozilla, safari and opera. Ready to go ? –> available templates view demonstration –> available templates | view demonstration | order online
it’s exactly what i’ve been looking for. I am really satisfied with my press release site. Thank you so much for your help.
just wanted to say thank you for the brilliant press release script, worth every penny.
press release site has completely changed how i look at online business. Keep up the excellent work. I made back the purcha…read more detail
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