Friday, August 23, 2013

Stop feeding start sleeping: the complete nighttime sleep solution

Stop feeding start sleeping: the complete nighttime sleep solution

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my own babies both had very erratic schedules when they were young. I was full of envy for my friends whose babies were sleeping through the night at 6 weeks by 3 months my firstborn was finally sleeping a few hours at a time, but he was waking every 3 to 5 hours at night.

my husband and i were exhausted. I was starting to feel like the worst mother who had ever lived − i seemed to be irritable and short-tempered all the time. This wasn’t what i had imagined motherhood to be like.

i read books, joined discussion groups, asked our baby health nurse. Then a light bulb went off in my mind: i realised there were three components to my son’s night waking and i would need to adjust all three at the same time if he was to learn how to sleep at night. I came up with a system. And bingo

my plan worked − in just 6 days my baby was sleeping 8 hours straight every night you want to do the best for your baby, to be the best parent that you can be. But if you’re not getting enough sleep you will be feeling irritable (or worse) during the day. Chances are you are finding it hard to feel any joy in parenting, just as i felt.

and just like me, you have probably tried many of the solutions offered in books, in magazines and on websites. Like me, you have ended up back where you started, with a baby who keeps waking at night, and never seems to sleep for a long stretch.

what you need is just one solution–one that works stop feeding, start sleeping…read more detail


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