“start your own food company”
start your own food company
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if you’ve ever had anyone say to you, “this is the best ____ i’ve ever tasted why don’t you market it?” well, i know how you feel. Over a decade ago, i started playing around trying to duplicate the enchilada sauce of my favorite texmex restaurant. After much experimentation i actually did come up with a sauce that i (and my friends) thought rivaled any place in town. The problem was, i was recently divorced and totally broke. I might add i knew nothing about starting a food company, or even about running a business. And i had a regular job to boot. (still do)
so i started researching. It was a slow and arduous task. I spent what felt like hundreds of hours on the internet and bombarded every food industry person i could find with questions. I learned a lot, but not all those insider tips. If you ever considered starting your own food company (even if it’s just a hobby) and just don’t know where to start, well i know exactly how you feel.
but your problems are over start your own food company takes you by the hand and guides you from start up to production to distribution. Even those insider tips are here. You’ll learn how i did it with very little money, and i’ve included many of these tips so you can save a bundle getting started.
and over 40 links to provide you with enough research and reading material to become an expert …you know you’ve already wasted too many hours researching this stuff…i provide you with the links you’ll need to research all …read more detail
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