Monday, August 12, 2013

Social marketing tribe: dominate social marketing

Social marketing tribe: dominate social marketing

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in this brief video lewis howes reveals… (…even if you are just starting, are flat broke and can barely turn on a computer.) leading to more traffic, leads and profits for your business. Using what’s actually working in social media today. Click here to get started now if you have heard of me, chances are it’s because you ve picked up one of my books, been on one of my hundreds of live webinars or seen me at a live event. That s my life today, but it s not where i was just four years ago.

four years ago i was sleeping on my sister s couch, dealing with the injury-induced ending of my arena football career and struggling to start my business. Like many of you, i had lots of great ideas and i knew if i could just get them “out there” my business would be a success.

the problem was i didn’t have a budget for advertising, i didn’t have a “team” to help me. I was stuck.

maybe you ve been there too. Maybe you are there. Imagine how it feels for me now… Now i have a 7-figure business and the lifestyle most people can only dream about. It has truly changed my life and the lives of the people i love:

in the next few minutes below you are going to discover how social media can change your life as well. I want you to have the same powerful experience i am having. I want you to enjoy the same success i am enjoying.

i want you to be free. But before you discover how to put the powerful medium of social to work for you, let me give you a few facts that will completely blow you away…

here is why social media built my business from zero to 7-figures in 4 years–and why it will be key to your success as well:

social marketing is going to be the dominant force in the future of every business. You’re about to discover the same thing i did:

once you have control over social media, you have control over your future. Nowhere else in the world can you find such a large, captive audience that is specifically looking to connect, interact, and do business. Nowhere else can an unknown become incredibly successful in months. Nowhere else can success be attained on your own terms, in your own timeframe.

you have the passion. You have the courage. You have the dream. With the right set of social marketing tools, you will be able to select your ideal following, generate effective marketing messages, and capitalize on this massive potential customer base.

i’m living proof of the power of these tools to change your life. Without the right set of tools, you will waste time, spin your wheels, and end up frustrated. You’ll end up having terrible results. You ll end up just like 93% of businesses failing at their attempts to use social media as a marketing outlet today.

that s why my business partner sean malarkey and i created social marketing tribe. We wanted to give others the same powerful success-tools we use ourselves every day.

we gathered the greatest minds and top successes in social…read more detail


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