Friday, August 16, 2013

simplish | sign up

simplish |

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simplish helps you by turning standard english into basic english of only 1,000 words; making it easier more than 30,000 scientific and technology words are explained in footnotes using these basic words.

at the moment, may be you read something like this: “when the lower chamber is filled with air the membrane pushes upwards and closes the valve, preventing the binary signal flowing across one of the processor’s junctions…”"

but you could be reading this in a simpler form: “when the lower chamber 1 is filled with air the membrane 2 pushes higher and shuts the value 3 putting a stop to the binary 4 sighnal 5 moving across one of the processor’s joints…”

if you are a native english speaker but, through pleasure or business, wish to communicate effectively with people whose mother tongue is not english, simplish is a helpful tool that can simplify the text into a form that any person with the most basic knowledge of the english language will understand, with 30,000 scientific words explained in footnotes using the basic 1,000-word vocabulary of basic english. Moreover, if you need to read complex scientific text but are not an expert, such as medical material, it may well be helpful to convert the text into basic english and take advantage of the plain english explanation for many scientific terms

"if i had not used simplish i probably would not have finished my In time." first of all i want to say thank you for creating simplish …read more detail


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