Click Image To Visit Site Ultimate Gangster City Boss Shares the Secret Tactic You Can Use Legally and Dominate Your Way to the Top of the Game, Leveling at Light Speed. . . 100% Guaranteed – With the Latest Updates!
Find Out How! In two weeks, I Owned the Best Weapons, Leveled up to Level 29, Drive the Best Car, Have the Most Expensive Items, Maxed Out my Playfish Cash, Earned Every Collectible and STILL had Over $2,949, 322 Cash Left… and How You Can Too!
I didn’t just spy on other players, but I interrogated them as well. Anytime I saw wealthy players I would add them as a friend and strike up a conversation so I could learn all their secrets for myself. The most common reaction from these players was to laugh about how easy it was to make money and how stupid people were for not doing it too. Most of them wouldn’t tell me their secrets, but slowly a few of them started to crack and let me have little tips about what they were doing.
Their strategies were so stupidly simple I was amazed I hadn’t thought of them first, many of them made money by doing the simplest things at selected times of the day. Many of them had "secret" techniques to dominate the game by doing certain tasks or making use of their huge number of friends to earn more money. (If you’re like me you’re going to freak out once you learn these techniques!) And these guys never had to worry about money or ever needed to sell off their stuff to buy weapons or rides. They always just knew what to do to have the edge in the game (Believe me, it’s not what you think!)
Since I’ve first discovered these secrets, I’ve spent 3 months improving on them, tweaking them, creating my own, and tossing out the ones that no longer work. I now have the best weapons, cars and plenty of collectibles. In fact, I used to share my avatar info right here on this page so I could talk to other gamers like you. In a matter of days, I was getting thousands of e-mails and Facebook adds from total strangers, all begging me to show them how I did it. I was like a Gangster City rock star… everyone wanted to know my secrets! Things got so crazy, it was totally out of control. Even more amazing…
When I started sharing these secrets, I had no idea just how incredibly mad it was going to make the other Gangster City bosses. I soon found out… Since first publishing these strategies, I’ve had my account attacked, been sent hundreds of viruses and trojans (actually this happens pretty much daily) and the corrupt gangster owners even pressured the biggest strategy sites to pull all my links! Frankly, it’s extremely dangerous for me to even reveal these secrets anymore – these guys have just lost the plot and are doing everything they can to stop me… Read more…
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