Bryce alexander perfect pitch mini course-absolute pitch simulator
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the absolute pitch simulator is an exciting, unique system for learning perfect pitch. The software processes the input from an instrument in real time so that anyone can hear what it is like to have perfect pitch. You may have read that each note possesses a unique quality, or pitch color . These allow musicians with perfect pitch to identify the notes being played and add an extra dimension to the experience of listening to music. The perfect pitch simulator exaggerates these qualities so that they can be heard by anyone. Over time, your ear will learn to tune in to the quality of each note. You can reduce the settings at your own pace until you are hearing the normal sound of your instrument in perfect pitch.
the price of the application is only $22.50 and is available here . Sales arehandled by the secure server at click bank , the largest digital products retail outlet in the world.
theabsolute pitch simulator is easy to use. The complexity of the system is behind the surface where the actual processing occurs. For the user, simply plug your instrument in to the microphone input of your pc, load the program, get some headphones or speakers plugged in then set your volume levels and start playing. There is also the option to play .wav files through the system. A special folder is set up to store .wav sound files to be played. If multiple files are saved in this folder, the simulator will play them at random, this means you can save sound files of various not…read more detail
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