Sunday, August 4, 2013

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About Us -Click Image To Visit Site The following is researched information on Asthma and Allergies. Asthma and Allergies go together hand in hand. According to a study done by the Center For Disease Control And Prevention, they found digestive allergies have increased between 1997 and 2007. Food and digestive allergies involve over 60 percent of the population. Today, it is estimated that 20 percent of American children have food and digestive allergies.

Ninety percent of food and digestive allergies are from the following foods: eggs, milk, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, corn and wheat. The other ten percent of food and digestive allergies comes from fruit juices, cocoa powder; such as chocolate and tap water, which has chlorine, fluoride and pesticides.

To help asthma and allergies, limit the following in the diet: eggs, milk, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, corn and wheat. It’s best to buy foods that contain less eggs, milk, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, corn and wheat. Research studies have been done on tap water, and since it contains chlorine, fluoride and pesticides, it is a good idea to buy bottled drinking water, which uses reverse osmosis. To lessen food and digestive allergies, it is very important to read the labels, when buying food and drinking water. Since fruits and vegetables contain pesticides, use a "Fruit and Vegetable Wash" by massaging fruits and vegetables for thirty seconds and then rinse it off. Peeling off the skin of apples, cucumbers and potatoes before eating and cooking them is also a good idea. One other option is to buy 100 percent organic fruits and vegetables. All these things will help lessen food and digestive allergies.

To watch a video on how to make an easy, great tasting, kid-tested recipe called, "The Coolest Rainbow Dessert" click on the link below:

.To help those with asthma and allergies, a recipe e-book with photos and over 40 recipes is now available. These easy, great tasting, kid-tested recipes are easy enough for kids ages 7 and up to make as long as there is an adult 18 years old or older in the kitchen with them in case they need some help. These easy, great tasting, kid-tested recipes are recipes that kids will love to make as much as they will love to eat. These easy, great tasting, kid-tested recipes use ingredients in the recipes, which limit eggs, milk, fish, shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, corn and wheat.especially for those with Asthma, Allergies and digestive allergies and everyone will truly enjoy such as The Best Ice Cream Dessert and Oreo Ice Cream Pie. These recipes include: Awesome Appetizers, The Best Beverages, Delightfully Delicious Desserts Meaty Main Dishes, The Quickest Meals, Satisfying Sandwiches and Scrumptious Snack Attacks with photos, and they can be sent to your email address by Adobe Acrobat XI or Microsoft Word within 24 hours for a one-time price of $4.95. A $2.00 donation will be made by "Cook And Bake The Easy Way" to… Read more…


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