Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pure activity – eat better : exercise better : feel better

Pure activity – eat better : exercise better : feel better

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these are downloadable digital products no physical product will be shipped to you. This program is not available in stores, so you can only access it through this website.

weight stabilisation: stop dieting and obsessing over what you eat, and start to enjoy your life without guilt. Pure activity will show you how to listen to your body to find out the foods it needs to maintain a stable weight and optimum health.

body rejuvenation: if you don’ t pile foods in that disagree with your unique body type, it will not be long before the cells start to repair themselves and your body works better, your skin looks and feels younger, and people notice there is something very profound going on.

digestive problems: many of the digestive problems that people have are caused by filling the digestive system with totally unsuitable foods that the body has difficulty dealing with. Discover which foods are going to be balancing to your body type at any particular time, and how to listen to your body so that it will always tell you what it needs. Then you will better digest the food you eat, and allow the body access to the nutrients it needs

food allergies: really, an advanced stage of digestive problems, often caused when a food that does not agree with your particular body type is ingested repeatedly over a long period of time. Gradually the body finds itself less able to deal with the food, and severe imbalances can occur. Again, once one has the knowledge of …read more detail


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