Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Penile papules removal | how to get rid of pearly penile papules at home

Penile papules removal | how to get rid of pearly penile papules at home

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hi there, my name’s mike & this is my ppp story.

i know this is a bit strange but i had to make this video.

you see i wanted to share my story with anyone going through the same thing i did.

i wanted to talk about my experience with ppp and where i found a solution that worked.

hopefully if you get to watch this, you won’t have to go through all the crap i did, and you won’t have to avoid all those potentially great situations, you know what i mean!.

oh yes, i must apologise for the pixels over my face, sorry but i really don’t want everyone to know i had these penile pauples because, well, most people will think that i had some kind of std or something..

i’m sure i don’t need to waste time telling you what pearly penile papules are, i’m sure you already know. Why else would you be watching this video? ok, let me just say that this video is not all about how you should learn to live with these horrible little spots. I got really sick of hearing that all the time and i didn’t want to live with them.

sure their not life threatening, they don’t even hurt, but they are damn embarrassing, especially when your a 17 year old guy. 17, that’s how old i was when i first noticed the strange little bumps down there. Couldn’t have come at a worse time really.

all my friends were out having a great time &am………read more detail


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