Saturday, July 20, 2013

Overcome shyness | treat shyness | cure shyness | not be shy | low self esteem | overcoming social anxiety |

Overcome shyness | treat shyness | cure shyness | not be shy | low self esteem | overcoming social anxiety |

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if your social skills aren’t what you’d like them to be, make it your mission to develop a bold new attitude and feel at-home anytime, anywhere, with anyone…

good news spreads fast. And that’s why so many people who have used this program are telling friends, family, and even strangers ( ) that

just read these unsolicited testimonials from these mission bold ‘graduates’… “i used to have almost no friends. Now my parties are bursting and i have tons of invitations for all the weekends” — peter s., cincinnati oh

“i had a couple of acquaintances, but no real friends…the only place where i felt safe and could relax was my apartment. My life was unfulfilled and very stressful. I even stuttered when i was stressed speaking before several people. Through mission bold i changed profoundly.

i have found friends, have even become a public speaker and i am living in a fulfilling open partnership in which we share our feelings. I have discovered that self-improvement is possible. It even can be easy and quick.” — eric w., brooklyn, ny

“my career was stuck. Through mission bold , i trained myself to connect with my coworkers and supervisors. Now they appreciate me and honor my good work. I have enlarged my professional network and was promoted to the next management level.” — brad s., baltimore md

“without this course, i would have never had the courage to date the girls i really want. Thanks to mission bold i have now found the love of m…read more detail


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