Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How to become a professional dog trainer | career in dog training

How to become a professional dog trainer | career in dog training

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“how to quickly & easily become a professional dog trainer ” get the inside scoop on everything you could possibly want to know about building a tremendously rewarding career (and business) in dog training…

if you love dogs, and would like to know how to get started in becoming a certified, professional dog trainer…

… Then this will be the most important letter you ever read a long time ago it was my dream to become an animal trainer, i always loved animalsand i knew being around dogs as a career would be amazing

how could anyone want to work at a desk when you could be outside spending time with beautiful dogs and getting paid for it?

i was always the odd one at school, the kid who loved animals and constantly talked about them. It was early on when i decided i didn’t want to have an average boring job – i wanted to follow my passion.

and being a dog trainer can be both exciting and rewarding… I can tell you right now it sounded great all those years ago, but there was one major problem in my plan

i had no clue what to do i mean, i had so many questions that i just didn’t have the answers to. I was pretty oblivious to what knowledge or skills were needed to become a trainer and seeing that there wasn’t any university that offer a dog training degree becoming a dog trainer was a very confusing career path.

but i was so passionate about pursuing my dream career, i ploughed ahead anyway volunteering …read more detail


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