Sunday, July 14, 2013

Get down in two

Get down in two

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ever struggled in the past with putting? ever feel like you’re wasting away shots with the putter? then i guarantee this will be the most important letter you’ll read all year . Don t worry you re not the only one many, many golfers frequently let themselves down on the green and waste precious shots through bad technique, bad preparation and bad execution.

i should know i used to be one of them i devised this overall putting system to be simple, easy to learn, repeatable under pressure and totally reliable .

that’s because it’s designed mainly for people like me: mid or higher handicap golfers who love the game and want to be the best they can on the occasions they play

but wait , i hear you ask how can i call myself a putting specialist if i’m only a mid-handicap player???

i’ll tell you and this is the incredible beauty of the whole system you’re about to discover because you don’t have to be a golfing expert to be damn competent on the greens. Here’s a handful of scorecards from recent rounds. I’ve highlighted for you the number of putts i took per hole:

as you can see, i’m not immune to the odd three-putt who is in the game of golf? but overall my putting average sticks to under 36 putts per round, an amazing crutch to lean on on my bad days, and a superb weapon for scoring on the days when my game is solid.

think about it if you love golf as much as i do, it really hurts when all your hard work from tee to green gets flushed…read more detail


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