Sunday, September 29, 2013

Soccer hypnosis | the soccer essentials

Soccer hypnosis | the soccer essentials

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the average player has a painfully weak mind. What if i told you i could reprogram your mind to make you a better soccer player? would you be interested in learning more? what if i told you i could improve your mental strength and discipline to a point, where whatever situation came into your life you would be able to handle it confidently and effectively?

soccer hypnosis programming your mind for limitless success a udio training program 30 day mind cleanse & detox 80 minutes of audio (mp3) recordings compatible with ipod and music players

reprogram your thoughts. Eliminate the negative and think more productive, constructive, and positive thoughts.

your thoughts are the foundation of your actions. Believe me, if you think poor thoughts you can only create poor actions and poor results. Think great often enough and eventually you will be great. It’s only a matter of time.

your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits. – mahatma gandhi

stop experiencing damaging and wasteful negative emotions. No goal is too big to achieve. No problem is too difficult to overcome. No circumstance should effect the way you perform. You should always be in control of yourself.

the sad reality is very few players are in control of their own lives, thoughts, and actions. They may claim to be but they are easily shaken by circumstances, problems, and other people.

you no longer have to be part…read more detail


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