Wednesday, October 2, 2013








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help you to connect with your unborn baby or child my husband and i have 3 boys, aged 10, 8 and 4. We learn to be better parents by interacting and communicating with them. We experience a lot of joys in our parenting. I am working with children and like to organize programs and workshops for children to improve their self esteem, cope with their emotion and develop their confidence. Parenting is a challenging experience. Parents will constantly face a lot of challenge from your children. They would like to know whether you are firm enough to enforce the rules and compassion enough to understand their feelings. When you can address to their feelings, a lot of problems will be resolved. However, if you neglect or ignore their feelings, a lot of problems will surface. Parents are coaches to children to express their emotions in a safe way. With the clear and safe boundaries, the children will feel secure and safe.

(a) connecting with your unborn baby ebook my third son, felix, aged 3, loves to sign and sing. He picked up sign language when he was 1.5 years old. He loves to read. He started to read at the age of 1.5 years old. Now, he can read and recognise more than 3000 words.

prenatal training helps me to communicate withfelix when he was in my womb. I talked to him, sing with him and pray with him during my pregnancy. Now, he has a passion to learn and read by himself. He is very mature at his age. He developed a sense of empathy during his young age. Whenever …read more detail


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