How to get a girl :: how do you get girls to be your girlfriend
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they all snickered at the nearly anorexic’, fedex employee as he limped towards the group of beautiful girls
until he brought back two smokin’ hot’ models listen carefully. If you would like to date, attract and sleep with beautiful girls… Then this will be the most important website you visit all year… Butcher.
girls love my company. Girls love my attention. Girls love what i say. Girls love to be seduced by me.
4 years ago if you would have told me to walk up to an attractive girl and start a conversation… I would have told you a thousand times… Hell… No if i saw a desirable girl that i wanted to talk to… I would completely freeze up. And if i ever did get the courage to start a conversation… I would screw it up by being too nervous and thinking too much about what to say. It really was quite pathetic. I just couldn’t cope and it frustrated me terribly.
give me 3 minutes with any attractive girl and i’ll have her number in 2. Give me 10 minutes with her and i can have the first kiss. A few more minutes and i can be making out. Look, i think you know where this is heading but that’s not my point… My point is… Wherever i am… I am attracting and getting girls. Whether it’s a night club or walmart… I have dated, slept with and had wonderful relationships with some of the most amazing, beautiful, talented girls on the planet. Or as i like to call them… 10s .
actresses, models, famous girls, and the list goes …read more detail
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