Unleash your greatness system
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from the desk of mike litman tuesday, 3:23 pm this is it, my friend. This is the last day i’m going to let you hold your greatness hostage. This is the last day that you will allow anything to drag you by the heels as you helplessly watch your life float past you.
but let me tell you something i bet you didn’t expect me to say: you are in a place of complete insignificance and that’s the best place you could possibly be. Every single person who walks through their lives with the kind of financial and personal success that you hope and dream for has come from a place of insignificance.
when i think about the struggles that i went through.. The nights where i couldn’t sleep (even though i had to get up at four am to go work at a job that i hated) the nights when i would literally cry myself to sleep (you think i’m joking?) i visibly cringe just ask my wife.
but i’ll tell you what i did and what you’re about to do too: don’t run from it. Don’t run from your fears and inconsistencies. Don’t be afraid to look your demons straight in the face no, you have to look those demons straight in the face or you will bathe in stagnation and insignificance for the rest of your life.
in fact, i don’t want you to read the rest of this letter until you have already allowed yourself to see those demons for what they really are. I want you to stop what you’re doing, take a deep breath, and push aside all the stress that’s attacking you. I want you to push aside a…read more detail
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