Thursday, October 3, 2013

Solar heater guide

Solar heater guide

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there are so many solar heater designs out there that it’s difficult to arrive at a design you can actually imagine yourself building. Though many solar furnace designs work once built, most would be a true pain in the neck to build, including those soda can solar heaters we see so many variations on i tried building one, and was immediately frustrated with the entire process and i’m a metal fabricator sure, soda can heaters will be dandy when the whole world is upside down and we have nothing but cans and scraps to build with. But for now, we want to build the best solar heater we can out of common sense easy-to-find items that are affordable and will serve our needs for many years -without falling apart and if you’re anything like me, you want to get your solar heater done quickly and start heating

i knew there had to be a better way to build a solar heater without the stinky cans and heavy glass and wood

the flat-plate solar collector is one of many possible types of solar collectors. It is the most efficient type of collector for use with temperatures between the freezing and boiling points of water and up to about 350 degrees f. When used with air as the working medium. Flat plate collectors are normally used with the flat surface facing south and tilted to an angle appropriate to the intended use.

"insolation is the rate of solar energy arriving on a specific flat surface perpendicular to the line of the sun. At sea level, the least possible loss is 29 to 30 percent. The maximum possible insolation is therefore about 70 to 71 percent of the solar constant., or about 320 btu per hour per square foot. No solar collector, regardless of shape or design can deliver more than this maximum possible value, without energy input from some other source.

a “black body” is any material capable of absorbing radiant energy, and therefore also is capable of re-radiating the energy. A “perfect” black body absorbs and re-…read more detail


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