Thursday, October 3, 2013 – you want ppc money? follow this map! – you want ppc money? follow this map!

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if you’re struggling to create consistent streams of income and reliable traffic in your business, you’re part of a big club.

the fact is, it is darn hard when it comes to getting targeted visitors to your web sites from search engines like google & bing.

everyone is trying to generate as much traffic as possible which usually comes at an extremely high price when you spend all your time and money on old school seo.

from the desk of aaron danker & ppc treasure team tuesday 11:06 am "i will never do that again " – susan imagine if you finally made the decision to start playing with the ‘smart marketers’ and learn how to dominate ppc. You have your offer, you’re doing the keyword research, you’ve built your campaigns, separated your ad groups, only to become $1,958 poorer with nothing to show for it… How would that make you feel? that’s exactly what susan experienced . She came to me so frustrated and stressed that she could barely talk without getting so angry that she wanted to cry. She spent thousands of dollars ‘learning’, buying all the latest products and courses, and then when it came time for her to take action (which she did), she failed miserably. How frustrating … Everyone online today is on their soap box preaching ‘take action, all you need to do is take action’, and although i do agree that taking action is a very crucial step to experiencing success… It’s not the whole truth "ever been so frustrated online that yo…read more detail


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