Thursday, October 3, 2013

Parenting: the first 12 months

Parenting: the first 12 months

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attention: all parents and would-be parents who want to give their children the very best of everything in life…

re : giving your baby the best childhood possible dear parent or parent to be, are you parenting a new baby right now, or planning to have a baby in the near future? if so, then please pay attention because…

there’s a brand new programme available to help people just like you and, if you want to give yourself the greatest opportunity to raise your baby into a successful, well-grounded adult, then this programme is definitely for you.

becoming an effective parent is a big task. Parents are expected to be loving at all times – yet also be fair and right. It’s also expected that parents put their baby’s needs above their own… Regardless of the cost

while it is true that parents develop a certain level of “intuition”, there are still so many aspects of parenting that can make or break your success. Do you know what they are?

to successfully play your part as a great parent, you need to know exactly what to do in any given situation. You need to be able to make informed decisions when it comes to mapping out your baby’s first year of life and beyond.

because your baby’s future is in your hands, you have an obligation to do everything in your power to give them the very best of everything… And we’re not just talking about material possessions here.

we’re talking about every decision you make in their younger years that will determine their health and happiness for years to come. All of these actions will determine what sort of adult your baby grows up to be.

the bottom line is that raising your baby is a huge decision and one that you need to be fully prepared for… Or your dream of being a parent could well turn into a nightmare.

raising your new baby can be both fun and easy… Once you know how. We are a group of parents who have ‘been there and done that’. We know the ins and outs of ef…read more detail


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