Saturday, October 19, 2013

Martial arts weapon certification

Martial arts weapon certification

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welcome to the martial arts weapon certification web site. If you are a martial artist, want to be one, or enjoy watching them, then you have come to the right spot. At this site we focus on the weapons of the martial arts. Some martial art schools incorporate weapons into their rank system, some have a good program and some don’t. Our hope is to provide a great program that you can incorporate into your classes or into your own workouts to help with motivation.

before reading any more please join the email list. Just enter your name and email in the box on the right and we will keep you up to date on the latest with this great program, we will also give you added benefits and bonuses just by joining the list

the martial arts weapon certification program is designed to help keep individuals motivated with goals and progression out side the standard belt ranking. This is not a training program or a program that will teach you how to use weapons, this is a program to prove that you know each weapon to become certified in each weapon, however the requirements for each certification can be used as a training outline for objectives to learn.

let me tell you a little story as to why i got started on creating this program. One of the martial arts schools i trained at had a problem i noticed. They were getting a ton of students who would work hard, were excited, and got their black belt. However they would stick around for about 6 months and just stop showing up….read more detail


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