Sunday, October 6, 2013

Improving stage presence | discussions on showmanship

Improving stage presence | discussions on showmanship

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jay johnson won a tony award with a tennis ball. Terry fator landed a 100 million dollar contract. There are thousands of entertainers. Most of them are stuck working real jobs to make ends meet. Yet jeff dunham is the highest grossing touring comedian according to forbes magazine. Are his jokes funnier than every other comedian? is he really the best ventriloquist in the world?

if you really want to believe that is the only reason you haven t achieved success as an entertainer then go pick up your magic tricks, or your ventriloquist puppet, or some juggling balls, or your instrument and practice them. In a year, you will still be wondering if you will ever get a lucky break.

look on youtube at the number of people juggling seven balls or torches or rings or machetes. Most people will never know their names. Yet michael davis , the most successful juggler in the world, never juggled more than three items.

you’ve probably heard that over and over. People think they know it. The problem is, very few understand what it means. It doesn’t mean your skills aren’t important it means you need to frame and present your talent to create an experience for the people watching.

they feel as if seeking help to improve their stage presence is admitting they are no good. That just isn’t true.

magicians could you perform sleight of hand on your very first attempt? jugglers could you keep three balls going your very first try? ventriloquists could you keep your lips still when you started? musicians did you know exactly how to play the first time you picked up an instrument? singers could you nail songs the very first try when you started?

entertainers purchase knowledge in every other phase of their art. Yet improving stage presence, the one thing that will advance their career faster than any other part of the puzzle, seems to be the last thing on their mind.

audiences genuinely showing their appreciation for your skills an…read more detail


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