Thursday, October 3, 2013

How to start an online business

How to start an online business

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how to start your own online business

do you have an idea for a business but aren’t sure how to set it up on the internet or make it successful? or, do you want to make money on the internet but aren’t sure how? have you ever wished that you could be one of the people that make their living off the internet?

if you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place you may be where i was a few years ago. I was looking for a way to make some extra money, pay off some bills and make a better life for myself and family so i decided to start my own internet business.

i didn’t have any computer or business experience at all. I had to teach myself everything (and i mean everything ) i didn’t know how to get my web site on the internet , how to build a web site , how to accept credit cards, how to improve my search engine ranking, how to advertise, what scams to look out for (and there are a bunch — i know because i fell for a lot of them ) or any of the other ‘internet business’ stuff.

i wish i could say i had someone who was able to show me the ropes and tell me what to do and what pitfalls to avoid, but i didn’t. I was on my own. I fell into a lot of the pitfalls and it cost me – big time

well, to make a long story short, i worked really, really hard and about a year later i …read more detail


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