Sunday, October 6, 2013

Forgiveness – learn how to forgive yourself now

Forgiveness – learn how to forgive yourself now

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people make mistakes. Because we’re human. It’s what we do.

mistakes become a source of shame and a justification for self-punishment. Many people think so. Here’s the logic they use: "but i do make mistakes." (because i’m human ) so the very fact that i’m human means there’s something wrong with me. Do you see the problem here? if i believe these stories, then i can’t possibly win. I’m guaranteed to lose. Which means i’ll never feel good enough. I’ll never think i deserve. And i’ll probably never let myself have much happiness. Instead, i’ll go around beating myself up and putting myself down.

just for being human for being who i am . Is this really the way you want to live your life? in a no-win situation? take it from me, it’s no fun. I used to feel like i was living with a jagged metal spike stuck through my heart. I was the one who put it there, but i had no idea at the time what was going on.

that question was always on my mind, as i tried to make it through the day.. So i could try to make it through the next day. It still scares me how close i came to ending it all.

those days are long gone. At this point, they don’t even haunt me anymore. Actually, life is pretty good. It could be better. But it’s good enough.

the first secret i learned was how to handle my emotions. Maybe ‘handle’ isn’t the right word….read more detail


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