Friday, October 4, 2013

Drupal tutorials – how to create knockout drupal websites – learn how to master drupal in 6 hrs

Drupal tutorials – how to create knockout drupal websites – learn how to master drupal in 6 hrs

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if you want to be a confident drupal user in record time (but don’t have days to spend reading thick manuals), then this is for you…

from the desk of jim becker, drupal enthusiast & web designer d rupal is an amazing content management system and can be used to create some dramatic and impressive websites. In fact it’s the only content management system you’ll ever need… However, it is certainly not easy to use when you first start.

i vividly remember when i first downloaded drupal, i was so excited, as i knew i was on the verge of creating great websites (i’d seen so many awesome examples of what people could do with drupal), and i just couldn’t wait to start using it.

but when i opened the program for the first time i was in “shock”, i felt completely lost and totally overwhelmed because i just couldn’t do anything. It was so frustrating

everything seemed so complicated, it made me feel like i needed a phd just to install drupal i had a sinking feeling in my stomach, i think “despair” would be a pretty good way to describe the feeling :-)

i didn’t know where to start to just do the simplest of tasks, and when i saw the manual, i felt worse still…

… You see i did not want to become a drupal genius, i just wanted to feel comfortable doing the most common tasks, and frankly the thought of having to read a huge manual or thick book just to make my website was plain depressing

what i wanted to know was the shortcuts… Not everything, just the simple stuff that i was most likely going to use, for example:

i hated that feeling of intimidation when i opened the program and i just wanted to feel confident (not overwhelmed) doing the most commonly used tasks, and produce the kind of websites which initially attracted me to drupal, without having to invest weeks of learning to do so

but from what i could see the learning curve was just too steep, even for the “easy stuff” like installing drupal, inst…read more detail


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