Sunday, October 27, 2013

Discus fish care and breeding advice – discus fishsecrets

Discus fish care and breeding advice – discus fish


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“now you can keep discus fish the easy way using this exact blueprint to having happy, healthy & problem free discus that spawn as soon as you place the cone in the water”

if you keep discus fish or are wanting to keep discus fish then this is going to be the most important website you read all year.

there is an amazing new ebook called “discus fish secrets”. It covers everything you need to know about keeping healthy discus fish and breeding them.

imagine having the best shaped, most colourful discus in your tanks. Your friends will be amazed. People will think your an expert when they see pictures of your fish.

wouldn’t it be great to take the hassle out of discus keeping and save time knowing exactly what to do to make sure you’ve got happy, healthy discus

wouldn’t that be great, not having dark discus hiding away in the corners of your tank. Most fish keepers think discus are hard fish to keep but i’ll let you in on a secret discus are easy to keep but only if you know how to make them happy and stress free. You see 90% of problems with discus start from stress, be it water quality, tank mates, moving them to another tank etc

all you have to know is how to take their stress away and make them happy because: happy discus will have a strong immune system that fights offs disease now a lot of people say loads of different things about discus fish so before i go on let me tell you why you should take my advice:

i have been …read more detail


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