Saturday, October 5, 2013

Create your own wedding flowers

Create your own wedding flowers

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we’ve all done it. You’re looking through the wedding magazines trying to get some ideas for your big day. You see plenty of other people’s weddings that look spectacular. Brides holding amazing bouquets. Reception tables complete with flower centrepieces that are just out of this world.

but at the back of your mind there’s always the same doubt – "i’d love to have stunning flower decorations like that, but i don’t think i could afford it."

so how can you have stylish wedding flowers without blowing your budget? what would you say if an expert florist, who has created hundreds of wedding flower arrangements, was to take you by the hand and show you exactly how you could create your own wedding flowers?

you could easily slash your wedding flower bill in half . You ll also have a lot of fun doing it. Just think what you could do with the money you saved. Maybe you could have a longer honeymoon, or the wedding dress that you always wanted, or that extra special ring that will last a lifetime.

preparing for the big day will be fun but it s more than just about saving money. Have a bit of fun in the build up to your wedding day by creating your flowers. Include some of your friends, family or bridesmaids in making the arrangements and make it a team effort .

once you ve learnt the skill of creating eye-catching arrangements, you will be able to make the flowers arrangements for friends weddings, christenings, birthday parties and other …read more detail


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