Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bpic – the manufacturing planning and control resource for companies using erp or mrpii systems

Bpic – the manufacturing planning and control resource for companies using erp or mrpii systems

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the business performance improvement company – home page help manufacturing companies improve their business performance through better planning and control, in particular, better use of erp (enterprise resource planning) and/or mrpii (manufacturing resource planning) systems through the resources on this website, books and, the ultimate resource, our erp implementation toolkit.

if you are implementing an erp system for the first time or want to improve your use of an existing system, i recommend you start by reading our erp implementation plan , the product of our many years of helping companies with erp systems. Whether you have a qualified and educated team to help you or you are a lone voice crying in the wilderness you will find this plan invaluable.

many people have told me that the most useful resource that has guided them on their way to the better use of their planning system was one of the least expensive, their paperback version of business excellence. For serious study and use there is still nothing like a "proper" book. For more details click here or click the image on the right to purchase now (price now reduced from the cover price of 24.90 to 19, about us$27 / 21 plus free shipment to anywhere in the world).

business excellence is also available as a downloadable e-book . The e-book is in .pdf format so can be read with the adobe acrobat reader or can be added to an ipad or kindle library. In addition to the complete e-book ( 19.90) there are 10 specialist e-books available for 4.95 each. 2 of the most popular subjects, stock record accurac y and master scheduling , are also available as courses on cd.

in addition to the erp implementation plan mentioned above we accumulated many other resources which we have put together in our downloadable erp class &…read more detail


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