Monday, October 7, 2013

| 4 penis enlargement |

| 4 penis enlargement |

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clinically, medicine only consider penis size a problem nowadays when a penis is 2 3 4 inches long (aka micropenis. ) truth be told, there are many men who are under the 6 1 2 inches mark and, even though medicine doesn’t acknowledge their cases as problematic, their penis size makes things really difficult. Low self-esteem, the indifference of the opposite sex, and problems that impact the relationship are only some side effects of the penis size issue; be it a real or imagined, the problem doesn’t go away by itself. The thicker the penis, the faster a woman can reach an orgasm. A longer and more attractive penis generates more visual excitement and makes women more predisposed to having sex. This also happens in several animal species: penis size determines mating patterns for males and females’ willingness to mate.

there are several factors that determine penis size, among which the main ones are genetics closely linked to the ethnic background , weight, and daily habits.

among the different ethnic groups and their respective genetic origins there are concrete differences in penis size , particularly in what concerns the anchorage of the suspensory ligament . Therefore, the suspensory ligament anchorage is located at the back in black men and their penises are completely outside of the body, what determines a very large penis that is slightly elevated during the election.

for caucasians , the suspensory ligament anchorage is located forward, what det…read more detail


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